"I, Louie, no longer have the time to maintain this page. I want this page to live on though so if anyone would like to take over my page please e-mail me"Sublime187@beer.com" Please sign the guestbook-

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Bradley James Nowell
February 22, 1968 - May 25, 1996
ThE AlBuMs
second-hand smoke
40.oz to Freedom
Robbin' the Hood

Sublime is was a 3 member band featuring
Brad- Guitar vocals
Eric- Bass guitar
they were a garage band that got discovered u know the story.......but then tragety struck Brad died of a heroine over-dose in May of '96 the music world was devistated but thanx to this site, many other, and Micheal "Miguel" Happoldt (who comprised Sublime's new album Second-Hand Smoke and plans to release another one) Brad and the band live on.
†- Bud took a short vacation from music before the making of thier first cd but he rejoined for the cd although a different man played drums on their first tour
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